My Love Letter to Solitude and Technology an Introverts Guide to Thriving with AI
Jan 14, 2025
Honestly after just over five decades on this planet, and many of them in the corporate world, I've grown quite comfortable with my introverted nature both at home and at work. No, I don't need to "come out of my shell" or "be more outgoing." or be someone I'm not. I discovered, that what I needed was to find tools and techniques that work with my personality to my advantage, not against it - and maybe you can relate.
I've always been drawn to technology, I majored in computer science when I first went to college and very early in my career I was selling the first consumer cell phone "bricks" and 386 personal computers... this was back when dial up modems were "innovative" and Prodigy and AOL was not a household name yet, the "World Wide Web" was in its infancy. Over the years I've tried to be an early adopter of new technology as much as possible and these days I've found my own judgment-free, always-available thought partner that never expects me to attend a networking happy hour. Yes... I'm talking about AI.
The beauty of digital brainstorming
As an introvert, I often find myself sitting in my office or anywhere really, doing a lot of deep thinking. When I know I have meetings coming up where there will be a lot of noise and it may be hard to get my own thoughts heard, these days, I prep for those meetings by bouncing ideas off my AI assistant first. It's like having a conversation with myself to sort out and streamline my thoughts, but better - because it helps me refine my thoughts without the energy drain of explaining half-formed ideas to a room full of people who think faster out loud than I do on paper.
The perfect social buffer
At this point in my career, I've accepted that I'll never likely be the person 100% confident with working the room on stage at huge conferences or sliding into cold LinkedIn DMs with ease. And you know what? I'm perfectly fine with that. I use AI to help me think through and prepare for those situations where I am most uncomfortable so that I can craft meaningful, thoughtful responses when I need them. No small talk required to get there, just clear, purposeful interaction on my own terms.
Quiet contemplation, amplified
Here's something they don't tell you in all those "how to succeed" books - sometimes the best ideas come when you're alone, thinking in silence. What I have found useful is to use AI more as my digital whiteboard, helping me explore ideas and patterns without the pressure of immediate human feedback. It's like having a brilliant colleague who never gets tired of your "what if" scenarios and never judges when you need to process the same thought fifteen different ways.
Managing my own energy, not just time
If you're an introvert I don't need to tell you that being around people and in back-to-back meetings especially for introverts can get extremely exhausting. I have a tip for using AI that helped me to finally learn to honor my need for solitude. My AI assistant helps me structure my day with deliberate gaps for recharging and focus time. It's not about being antisocial but instead it's about being emotionally and physically sustainable and ensuring that I honor my own needs and boundaries and let's face it at this point in my life I'm too old to apologize for needing quiet time to think.
The joy of automated small talk
While this may sound trivial, one of my little pleasures is using AI to handle coming up with simple responses to a lot of the small talk that used to make me sit and ponder what I would say for much too long, draining my energy. It helps me to be engaged and professional without requiring me to spend precious mental energy thinking too deeply about crafting responses to things that shouldn't require so much energy - things like responding to "Hope you're having a great week!" can throw an introvert for a loop in how to response... I know it seems trivial but if you know you know.
A personal note
After years of questioning myself and reading all kinds of advice about "overcoming" introversion like it was some sort of character flaw, I've found peace and strength in who I am and how to use technology to enhance my natural tendencies rather than fight them. AI hasn't changed who I am - and I don't use it to replace my own voice (and neither should you), but it's given me permission to be more authentically myself while still meeting the demands of a noisy and very fast-paced world.
The bottom line is that I want tools that help me get my thoughts out quickly, while still thinking deeply, allow me to communicate clearly, and preserve my energy for what truly matters. AI has become a very valuable tool in my toolbelt in a world that often mistakes silence for disengagement.
If you're an introvert who's tired of being told to speak up more, network more, or be more "out there," I get it. I encourage you to explore how technology can help you emphasize your strengths and work with you, not against you. My "Ripple Effect - Do Something Different" workshop isn't about learning to be someone your not- it's about optimizing who you already are. It's about finding your own path to success that doesn't require you to pretend to be an extrovert. Because trust me, after all these years, I can tell you that authentic success comes from working with your nature, not fighting against it.
Ready to explore how technology can help you thrive as you are, not as others think you should be? Join me in discovering how to leverage tools to create success on your own terms. No forced networking, no mandatory sharing - just practical tools for making your introversion work for you in a noisy, fast-paced world. Check out my latest training, "The Ripple Effect - Do Something Different" workshop. Right now you can grab the New Years early purchase bundle with free bonuses for a limited time.
Remember: Being an introvert isn't something to overcome. You are amazing just as you are.